In case you have complaints, questions or suggestions how to improve our therapeutic work, we would be happy to hear them! In order to make this process as convenient as possible, we offer multiple channels for you to choose from. First of all you are of course always free to talk with your own psychologist about this. Yet, for some clients this might be uncomfortable which is why we offer additional options: You can write an email stating your suggestion, question or complaint to the complaints officer of the practice ( In this message you can also ask to talk to another psychologist about your concern. In the majority of cases, the following discussion between the colleagues will lead to a solution.
In the unlikely case that this will not lead to a change you are satisfied with, you can voice your concern to the governmental organization „De Geschillencommissie Zorg“ which is in charge of settling disputes if clients and health care professional can not come to a solution themselves. You can file a complaint on the internet site of the organisation: